
Supportive Teacher
My name is Mara and I am a teacher at Cleveland Elementary. Several of the teachers at Cleveland, including myself, have been blessed with the opportunity to work with Rising Stars in supporting our students. We have been able to work together to support the boys not only at school, but at home and on the field. We know it is important to be there inside and outside of the classroom. When students know you care about who there are as a person and not just a student, their rate of success is much higher. We are so grateful to be a part of their growth and their successes!

Soccer Parent
Despite challenges, my son’s summer experience surpassed expectations. Many thanks to Moses and Phusuda for creating a memorable and enriching soccer program. They coped with limited resources, from shared jerseys to makeshift goal markers using cones. Despite being understaffed, sometimes monitoring four games simultaneously, they fostered an environment where kids learned sportsmanship and discipline while having a blast.

Soccer Under 13 Player
What I like about the soccer program is that we learn to work hard and we always try our best and we always try to be kind to each other.
Our Accomplishments

Establishing Non-Profit Status
Although operating for 6+ years, Light For The Next Generation became an official non-profit organization in 2023.

Fostering Growth Through Soccer
Our Rising Stars Soccer Club has served over 100 youth from underserved communities in Sioux Falls. The club has not only given them individual opportunities to develop in character and skill but has also opened doors for them to play at a higher level. We’ve connected them to be able to play at high school levels, clubs such as Dakota Alliance, and training programs such as OI Foundation SD Stars.

Empowering High School Students
Our Shine Your Light College & Career Prep program has worked with over 100 first generation high students to connect them with various community leaders as well as state colleges. With opportunities to job shadow various career fields, visit college campuses, and talk with local community members, our Shine Your Light program been running for three years and has effectively given resources for our first generation students to grow.